FAR Settings Menu
The FAR configuration settings allow to steer the following categories:
The first tab comprises the most important settings:
- File Name Pattern: Here is the place where you can remove patterns you do not need anymore.
- Treat unknown file types as binary: Enabled by default, this option decides how FAR should handle unknown file types. As binary files or text files.
Binary files are protected from unwanted changes through the following option, text files are not.
- Exclude binary files from replace operation: Enabled by default, this option protects binary files from inadvertent modifications. If you lift this
protection you run the risk to damage binary files through replace operations, making them unreadable.
- Group Reference Indicator: The character used in regular expression replacement strings to reference a bracket group in the search expression.
- Backup Directory and Flag: Define the directory where backup files should be stored. You can temporarily disable the creation of backups altogether,
but the option will be enabled again upon the next start of FAR.
Define what view should be opened when you double click on files in the file list.
You can also specify the information that should be displayed in the rightmost column of the file list.
Define the default encoding used by FAR if it should be different from the default platform encoding of your operating system.
You can also add more encodings to the list of encodings available in FAR (for replace operations and others). Simply click on an entry in the list of supported encodings
to bring it on the right side. If you click an encoding in the list of available encodings, it will be removed from there.
FAR always comes with UTF-8, US-ASCII, X-CP437 and you default platform encoding if it is different from UTF-8 and US-ASCII. These three or four encodings are always available
and can not be removed. X-CP437 is a special encoding for viewing binary files. It copies code page 437, well known from DOS times, but carries a printable character for the first (zero)
and last (FF) byte: ⌀ and □.
Add or modify the file types recognized by FAR. This feature allows you to define groups of files with an encoding different from the default encoding.
FAR uses the file extension to identify the file type a particular file belongs to. If you add an extension that is already used by some other file type,
it will be redrawn from that original file type.
The Category will be used in future versions of FAR to supply additional tools and functionality.