The FIND command will always be the first command to be executed, since you have to define the set of files to operate
on before you may apply any changes.
You can use various filters to narrow the set of files you are operating on:
- Directory: The "Base Directory" input field shows the directory where the search
will begin.
- Subdirectories: By default the "include subdirectories" checkbox is selected and files from each subdirectory will be taken into consideration.
Click the underlined "Each" label if you want to limit the set of subdirectories included. If you specify some pattern here,
only files with an ancestor directory whose name matches that pattern can be found. Unless of couse you tick the "Exclude Matching Directories" checkbox,
in which case files from matching directories (and their subdirectories) will be excluded.
- File Name Pattern: You may use simple file name patterns such as "*.txt" or "*.html, *.htm" to specifiy the
files you want to work with. You can pick from the list or type directyl into the box if the pattern you need is not available.
If you click the "Save Pattern" button a freshly added pattern will permanently be included in the list, otherwise it will only be available for this session.
Simple patterns are not case sensitive. If you want to use full regular expressions for the file name pattern, tick the checkbox
below the input field.
- Modification Date: You can also look for files of a particular age. Click the underlined "Restrict modification date" label to specify how old the
files must be at least or at most.
- Content Pattern: You can immediately filter for files that contain a certain text.
This text filter uses regular expressions by default (unselect the checkbox to disable).
Select the "Ignore Case" checkbox, if you do not care whether characters are upper case or lower case.
This works for both, regular expressions and ordinary text.
Select the "Exclude matching files" checkbox to find those files that do not contain the
search pattern.
The "Wrap Lines" checkbox only concerns the way text is displayed in the text area. It does
not alter the interpretation of the search text itself.
When you click on the Find button, the FIND command will be executed in a background process that can be aborted by pressing the Cancel button.
Import or pick
FAR offers three alternative ways to define the file list. In theses cases the FIND command is executed implicitely, hence no further filtering is possible at this stage.
- Single Selection: You can pick a single file from the "Base Directory" file browser instead of a directoy. This will "find" just the selected file and allows you to quickly carry on.
- Drag and Drop: You can pull files and folders from a file browser (e.g. Windows Explorer) onto the FAR application window. Folders will be resolved to all file contained, subfolders included.
- Import: Eventually you can import a list of files via the "File" menu. The import
file must contain absolute pathes, on path per line (UTF-8 encoded).
Once the FIND command has terminated, its result is displayed in the file list on the right hand side of the application window.
You can now manually exclude certain files from further processing. Simply unselect the checkboxes in the left column of the file list.
The facilities from the Select menu offer additional support to unselect groups of files from the file list.