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net.pandoragames.charset - package net.pandoragames.charset
Supplementary character sets.
net.pandoragames.far - package net.pandoragames.far
The core API.
net.pandoragames.far.ui - package net.pandoragames.far.ui
The user interface layer.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.model - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.model
UI model classes.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing
The main package for application user.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component
Swing UI components.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component.listener - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component.listener
Listener classes.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog
Various subwindows.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog.config - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog.config
Configuration dialogs.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog.update - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.dialog.update
Wizzard for after application upgrade.
net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.menu - package net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.menu
Application menu and its listener.
net.pandoragames.util.file - package net.pandoragames.util.file
Classes from the util.file collection needed in FAR.
net.pandoragames.util.i18n - package net.pandoragames.util.i18n
Classes from the util.i18n collection needed in FAR.
newDecoder() - Method in class net.pandoragames.charset.CP437Extra
newEncoder() - Method in class net.pandoragames.charset.CP437Extra
next() - Method in class net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component.UndoHistory
Sets the text component to the next (newer) snapshot in the snapshot history if there is any.
notifyUpdate() - Method in class net.pandoragames.far.ui.swing.component.FileSetTableModel
Triggers a call to the registered TableModelListeners in order to force a repaint operation.
numberOfMimeTypes() - Static method in class net.pandoragames.far.ui.model.MimeType
Returns the number of registered MimeTypes.